NSA Sheep 2022
- by Pharmweigh
- 09-06-2022

NSA Sheep 2022
Just back from Scotsheep 2022, an excellent show on a fantastic farm & Post Covid, very well attended.
The Draft Master being a totally new concept was exceedingly well received - the most common question asked was, “How Is It Powered?“ as people stood in amazement watching the Draft Master randomly draft “Virtual” lambs in almost complete silence.
The answer to the question is the Draft Master is powered by a compact 36V DC E-Bike battery which can silently draft over 3000 lambs on one charge.
You can see the Draft Master in action again at NSA Sheep 2022 on Wednesday 27th July at the Three Counties Showground, Malvern, Worcestershire.
If you have any questions or would like a demonstration please get in touch.
Looking forward to seeing you!